Print more with less.

We've helped over 100 companies to save 30% - 70% printing costs via regular printer services and recycling toner cartridges.

Printer Services

Let your printer service you longer by letting us service your printer.

Even if they stopped working. Not all printers should be thrown away once they stopped working properly. Let us service your printer, get professional printer care advises from our engineer. You will save big bucks in the long run.

Technician male hands cleaning printer toner cartridge

Common Printer Problems

Offices face these problems from time to time. They can be fixed.

Paper Jam

Frequent paper jam is frustrating. Call us for a diagnosis and we will take care of it.


Straight lines appearing on document can be devastating. We will fix it for you.


Don't let blotches spoil your proposal. Contact us and we will take care of the rest.

Expensive Printing

Your toner bill is too high? This is a big problem but we would love to fix it for you.


You can barely read the document even when your ink is still plenty? Let us know.

Out of Tone

The color of your document is too much different from your screen? We will get it right.

Remanufactured Toner Cartridges

You can save the world and your bank account as you print - literally.

Some works are completed easier on paper. Instead of skimming on printing, there is a greener and cheaper alternative to print. Companies around the world are recycling toner cartridges to save the earth and save money.


What is Remanufactured Toner Cartridge?

Think of it as overhauling your printer toner cartridge. When your car is old, do not send them to scrap yard, you send then to your mechanic to dismantle the engine, clean up and replace old and worn-out parts, and the car would be good to run for years. Same to your toner cartridge, throwing away your toner cartridge is a wastage and it causes pollution. You should recycle them even if you do not care about saving up to 2/3 of the cost.

Why Should I Use Remanufactured Toner Cartridge?

Reputable toner cartridge remanufacturer like IG solutions overhaul your toner cartridge completely. We replace faulty parts whenever necessary, and would advise you if your toner cartridge is not fit for remanufacturing anymore. Here are the solid reasons you must recycle your toner cartridge.

  1. Cost Effective - Remanufactured toner usually cost just 30% to 50% of a new one.
  2. Cartridge Yield - Remanufactured toner usually have more toner powder than OEM brand name toner. This means you can print more pages than brand name toner, and replace toner less frequently.
  3. Environmental - Regular toner cartridge can be reused 3 to 4 times. When everyone recycles the toner, we would greatly reduce the carbon footprint of printer toner by 75%. That's a huge impact on preventing global warming.
Would Remanufactured Toner Cartridge Damage My Printer?

Remanufactured toner cartridges are original cartridge undergoing "overhaul" process. It would fit your printer perfectly. We have manufactured over hundred thousands of cartridge and never once receive a complain from our client that their printer is damaged.

Why Should I Remanufacture My Toner Cartridge With IG Solutions?

Once you have contracted us for toner cartridge remanufacturing, we provide warranty to the cartridge we manufacture and complimentary printer services. You can have worry-free printing experience during your contract period.


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