Interactive Smart Panel

Combine the free-hand intuitiveness of a whiteboard, to the computing power of the latest computer and communication power of an internet device. There you go, an ultimate interactive touch collaboration panel by SMART.

smart panel


Engage and connect with your Students.

It's said that a class conducted with a whiteboard is dead boring without the aid of digital visual media, and a projected computer screen on a wall is rigid and lacking in interactivity of a whiteboard lesson.

What about the having both the rich media of a modern computer with the interactivity of a whiteboard with SMART?

Unlock True Collaboration

Today’s workflows are about going beyond communicating to collaborating. SMART has spent 30 years designing hardware and software solutions that work together to create dynamic interactive environments.

Whether your technology needs are for boardroom presentations, remote collaboration or open brainstorming – SMART has you covered.

Get Things Done Seamlessly

SMART has studied countless meeting processes around the world and designed an ultimate tool to make it more efficient.

True collaboration

Go beyond participation – there’s no limit to what you can contribute, mark up and share.


Bring your own meeting means you can jump from one conferencing platform to another with a click.

Local or remote

Facilitate in-room presentations and collaboration or have teams contribute remotely.

Plug in... or don’t

SMART solutions work with all types of mobile phones, tablets and computers – wired or wireless.

Pick up a pen and write. You already know how to use it.

SMART Board® Pro interactive displays are the go-to for boosting productivity through unmatched ease of use – even for occasional users.

From the budget-friendly MX Pro series to the breakthrough 7000R Pro series, all models feature best-in-class HyPr Touch™ and embedded iQ Android™ computing experiences for unparalleled collaboration.


Unbound Workspaces

Don't bother erasing. Just keep working. SMART Meeting Pro lets teams capture ideas in the virtually unlimited interactive workspace. The Unbound Workspace expands as colleagues add images, files, links and notes – even over multiple displays and meetings – for enhanced collaboration.


Let's Progress.

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